My husband, Ryne, and I are on a journey to get out of debt. We cannot do this alone. Helping track of out financial situation is hard. With the access of online financial tools and this has helped make our journey a little smoother.
My husband and I have been studying up one
Davey Ramsey's budgeting plan. He has several resources for people to use. When my we first began our journey, I purchased T
he Starter Bundle. I think when I purchased the bundle it was $50. But there are times when Dave Ramsey hold sales, especially around the holiday season. This bundle includes 2 books, an audio book,, envelop money system, cash flow and dump debt DVDs, and a couple of ebooks.
The package when I purchased is was a little different but are great resources to refer too. This has made me consciously aware of my budget and some of the mistakes that we have made along the way. Ramsey answers a lot of common questions and gives reasons as to why or why not it is financially healthy.
Several other resources can help you develop and make you consciously aware of your budget. Please note that following tools financial advisors. Everyone will have a different budget because everyone has a different lifestyle and life circumstance, so what will work for one person will not work for another person. But this tool can help you set up your budget and keep track of finances.
There are several tools out there to help you budget your money:
If you have not already, you need to download you bank app on your phone. I have two different banks that I work with. One is a big change that is nationally known and we have a private small town bank. Both have apps so at anytime, I can log on to them and see how much money we in our accounts at all times. I also have my bank accounts set up so that I if my accounts fall below $100 I receive a text message notifying that I have limited funds in my account.
EveryDollar is a budgeting to provided by Dave Ramsey. This is a free tool that allows its users to create a budget. You are allowed to put in your own income, create different categories and to set up your budget. On the side, it shows you percentages of categories to how and where most of you money is being spent.
Every Dollar has an app for
iPhones and Androids to help keep track of your spending as your spending. For example, you go grocery shopping, you can keep track of your spending and will show how much money you have help in that budget.
For a small monthly fee of $8.25 or $99 annually, you can link your bank card to your account. Shortly after your bank processes them, they will show on your EveryDollar account. You then can click and drag your spending in your budgets and it will automatically withdrawal from your budgets to show how much you have left.
Change is a service that sends our a text message to notify you of your daily spending. Not know much about this app when I signed up was a large leap of faith for me in hopes that I would suffer from identity fraud. Even when I reviewed their site I told them of my skeptism, and they assured me that my information was secure. I have utilized this too for about 6 months and haven't had any problems with it. It is nice to be informed how much money in my account, so I am not tempted to spend my money and is a great reminder of my ultimate goal.
Prosper Daily
Proper Daily is an app available for iPhone and Android. This app, when given you account information for bank account and credit cards shows the balance on each account, What purchases were made, a monthly spending tracker. This great reference when trying to figure out how much money you have in all of your accounts and a compilation of how much money you have spent in total for them month and then compares it to previous months
All of these resources are secure sites. They have personally kept my information safe. I am not paid for these reviews, they are tools have helped me become more financially aware.