Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas Financial Recovery

Ugh!  It is that time of the year when the fun and joy is over, and those credit card bills are coming in.  If you are like me, you are probably thinking,"How in the world am I going to afford this?" This adds a whole new stress of cutting back on some life's luxuries to be able to pay off the Christmas expenses.

I have created our monthly budget.  One area that I added to my budget is Christmas.  I had a Christmas budget, but it was stressful coming up with those funds.  What I am doing this year (2017), I will be pulling money out every month to help cover the cost.  If you are curious how much to set aside, well, look at home much you spent this Christmas and divide it by 12.

Today, I set up my budget.  Oh golly,  it took me a couple of hours to do.  I use Every Dollar to create my budget and track my spending.  I was flipping back and forth between credit card websites and Every Dollar trying to input my balance of each card, and the minimum payment for each.  Then I was going back and forth between my bank account, Every Dollar, and my online credit card accounts trying to make payments.  

I feel the more I blog about my financial goals and help others.  It motivates me to be on the straight 'n arrow.  I am still looking for areas in our budget that we are will to cut.  The sacrifices that we make to live the life that we want in the long run.

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